The BGM220 Explorer Kit is an ultra-low cost, small form factor development and evaluation platform for the BGM220P WirelessGecko Bluetooth® Module
The BGM220 Explorer Kit is focused on rapid prototyping and concept creation of IoTapplications. It is designed around the BGM220P Module, based on the EFR32BG22 System-on-Chip, which is an ideal device family for developing energy-friendly connected IoT applications.The kit features a USB interface, an on-board SEGGER J-Link debugger, one user-LEDand button, and support for hardware add-on boards via a mikroBus socket and a Qwiicconnector.
The hardware add-on support allows developers to create and prototype applications using a virtually endless combination of off-the-shelf boards from mikroE,sparkfun, AdaFruit, and Seeed Studios.
Small Form Factor Kit
- EXP compatible breakouts
Target device
- Secure Bluetooth 5.2 module
- 76.8 MHz, ARM Cortex-M33 with 512 kB of flash and 32 kB RAM
- Bluetooth 5.2 Radio with supported for direction finding and LE coded PHY
- 38.4 MHz HFXO crystal
- 32.768 kHz LFXO crystal
- 2.4 GHz matching network and a chip antenna
On-board Board controller
- J-Link debugger
- SWD physical layer
- Packet trace over UART/async protocol
- Virtual COM with hardware flow control
USB Micro-B connector for debug connection
User interface features
- 1x button (with EM2 wake-up)
- 1x LED
Mini Simplicity Debug Connector (SLSDA001A compatible) with access to
Third-party add-on connectors
- mikroBus socket
- Qwiic connector