The Microsemi FlashPro programming system is a combination of Microsemi FlashPro software and a hardware programmer.
Together they provide in-system programming (ISP) for all FPGAs in the IGLOO2, SmartFusion2, RTG4, IGLOO® Series and ProASIC3 Series (including RT ProASIC3), and the SmartFusion, Fusion, ProASICPLUS, and ProASIC families.
Flashpro5 is a hardware programmer supporting all SoC FPGA and FPGA devices except ProASICPlus on Windows and SmartFusion2/IGLOO2 devices on Linux
Whether you are programming a board containing a single device or multiple devices connected in a chain, you can quickly program and reprogram Microsemi flash FPGAs by connecting to a PC and the target board. FlashPro programmers provide everything you need to program flash FPGAs for compliance with IEEE 1149, using the JTAG port.
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