Low-Power Cellular and Bluetooth 5 A Whole New World of Powerful Applications
Ezurio’s End Device Certified cellular IoT solutions intelligently combine low power cellular LTE-M and NB-IoT with long range Bluetooth 5. This unique combination enables totally new use cases using low-cost, long-range Bluetooth sensors all connected to the next generation cellular network, in a much simpler and lower cost architecture. Ezurio’s cellular solutions are enhanced with multiple internal and external antenna options and a complete, certified co-located radio architecture – all to help you significantly reduce development time and costs.
Why Choose Ezurio for Cellular IoT?
Lower Costs
Limited costly radio or cellular certifications needed. Ezurio’s cellular-solutions are end-device certified, enabling a cost-effective and fast time to market.
Complete Antenna Flexibility
The only cellular solutions on the market that have pre-integrated, low-cost embedded antennas plus external antenna options including our Revie Flex LTE-M / NB-IoT and DBA series antennas.
Bluetooth 5
Fully featured Bluetooth 5 radio with support for LE Long Range and 2MPHY– all tightly integrated and co-located certification with LTE-M and NB-IoT functionality.
Integrated MCU with Hostless or Hosted Support
Develop your application directly on the Cortex M4F controller using Zephyr RTOS to reduce overall production cost and power consumption or use our hosted mode AT command set.
Speed to Market
Our End Device Certified, out-of-the-box solutions are designed to help reduce risk and decrease development time, for a faster prototype-to-production process.
Cloud Ready
Securely connect your wireless Bluetooth sensors over a low-power LTE connection to cloud services like AWS IoT – test within minutes with our Out of Box (OOB) application software, mobile apps and Development Kit.
Expert Support
You can work with the top experts in low power wireless connectivity and leverage free antenna scans, design reviews, on-site EMC support, and a global team of engineers to help accelerate your product to mark
Endless Applications
For example, Cold Chain Monitoring, Agriculture, Industrial Heating and Cooling, Predictive Maintenance of Material Assets, Connected Field Services, Medical, and many more!